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******************************************************************************* CONTENTS ******************************************************************************* 1 - OBLIGATORY INTRO 2 - DOCUMENT INFO 3 - GAME 4 - WALKTHROUGH A - Ben B - Moon C - Karen 5 - ITEM LIST 6 - FAQ ******************************************************************************* 1 - OBLIGATORY INTRO ******************************************************************************* I've been reading walkthrus for years but never made a single one. When I got stuck on this game I saw there wasn't one already available so I've decided to have a bash myself. Had I written one of these 10 years ago it would have been full of amazing ASCII art. Since it's not 10 years ago and I don't have the patience for that kind of thing, it won't be. You might notice a change of style throughout this document, it's not cos I was writing it at different times but for some reason kept switching from jotting everything down like a robot to deciding to have a conversation with the reader. Apologies for that, I don't do a lot of writing these days. Host this anywhere you like as long as my name is still on it and you're not charging for it. ******************************************************************************* 2 - DOCUMENT INFO ******************************************************************************* # Version 0.5 Written 18th May, 2008. Never uploaded. # Version 1 Written 19th May, 2008. Uploaded 19th May, 2008. Added: FAQ section, reformatted to 79 lines, document info. ******************************************************************************* 3 - GAME ******************************************************************************* I don't play a lot of games on mobiles, I find the keys way too fiddly for any fast paced games and I don't even have big fingers. Since this was a point and click style and actually made for mobiles unlike the SCUMM games I put on my phone I thought I'd give it a shot. Some of the items you have to hilight were easy to miss but it didn't annoy me too much, I've had similar problems on a big monitor so you can't blame this game. My nokia 6120c is smaller than a lot of these phones as well so if you have an n95 or something it might be even less of a problem. ******************************************************************************* 4 - WALKTHROUGH A - BEN ******************************************************************************* You start at the lobby, there's an uncomfortable bench along the left wall, a sign with the orphanage motto above it. Straight ahead is a dead plant and a MAP on the wall. Along the right wall is a bookshelf. Exits are straight ahead and to the right. Pick up the map, you now have a map to the whole building. Go FORWARD. This is the office, there's a wardrobe to the left, desk ahead, a picture on the wall above and a file cabinet in the right corner. You can open the wardrobe but there's nothing inside that you need. Removing the picture from the wall reveals a safe but you can't open this yet. Open the file cabinet to get the compass. I never used the compass, prefering to treat each screen as left, right, forward and back. Go BACK out of the room, LEFT to a hallway, LEFT again to trigger a strange voice . There's a door to the right that leads to the kitchen. There's a cabinet to the left that's locked for now. On the table is a candlestick with a strange candle, pick up the candle. Make sure you hi-light the candle itself to pick it up, that can be a fiddly one on small screens. Leave the room. Go FORWARD down the hallway, you'll come to a grandfather clock and a door to the right that doesn't open. Look at the clock for a simple puzzle. You simply have to press five buttons on the face in the right order. I'm not sure if this is random but I did it 5,6,2,12,9. This triggers a little conversation and a hole in the wall. Go through, then LEFT, FORWARD (this door is stuck), LEFT (ignore these two doors for now), FORWARD. You're faced with a a doorway leading to the basement and one leading upstairs. Go upstairs then FORWARD, FORWARD, RIGHT, FORWARD. Enter the door. You'll get a little conversation with Karen and be left with a dingy bathroom. If you think this bathroom's bad wait till you see later on! There's some lovely teeth in the sink which serve no other purpose than to make you cringe. Open the left cubicle and fish around in the toilet for the tongs. Leave the bathroom. RIGHT, then enter the room on the left. This is your old bedroom. Search all three drawers at the back for bullets, first aid kits and a lighter. You can come back to the bedrooms during the game for more bullets and first aid kits. Leave the bedroom. Going further down the hallway leds to two more bedrooms and a locked door, none of which we need at the moment so lets go back to the kitchen. Go BACK 7 times or till you see the two doors on either side of the hall. Go LEFT, into the kitchen. After all that walking around here we can actually do something. Open the oven door and use the lighter inside. Use the candle with the pot. Close the oven door (this bit had me stumped for ages). This will have melted the candle revealing an item hidden inside. Use the tongs with the pot to recieve a small key. What might this key be for? That's right, time to trek back up to the bathroom, I'm sure you can find the way this time. It's on the top right corner of the 2nd floor map. Okay, back in the bathroom, use the key with the padlock and open the door. Not as bad as you thought, only a pattern drawn with blood. It's a portal and you need to examine - not touch - it to use it. You're now in a more sinister version the world that I'll now refer to as the bloody world. I told you this bathroom was worse. Nothing you can do in here for now so back out. Go RIGHT (ignore stuck door on left), FORWARD. There's nothing in the bedroom to your left so enter the one FORWARDS. You'll need to use your lighter to see and when you'll do you'll be faced with your first enemy. Equip your gun and make sure the cursor is red when you shoot. This monster is easy going and should only need 2 shots. Afterwards, pick up the crank on the floor. Leave the room. The layout of the building hasn't changed so back all the way up till you're downstairs. There's still no need for the basement, the doors are boarded up down there. Go BACK, there's a boarded up door on the right and an interesting door on the left with 2 holes in it. This must remain a mystery for a little longer so back we go again till we come across another monster. Remember you can die in this game so keep your health topped up and save sometimes. After the monster keep going back till you get to a really gross looking room. This is actually the lobby from the start. After you're done creeping yourself out use the crank in the hole in the wall and then turn it to open the office door. Go FORWARDS into the office, this is another nice little room to get creeped out in so make sure you read it all :) The important part is the riddle on the wall, Ben will automatically make a note of it which you can look at at any time so no need to write it down. Now it's time to trek all the way back to the bathroom again! Once there, examine the bloody portal to get to the normal world. And it's back downstairs to the office. The poem from the wall is actually instructions for opening the safe, this took me AGES to work out so when I did I thought it was pretty clever. If you're not interested in how it works then skip this paragraph and I'll tell you which buttons to press. Still here? Take a look at your notepad, the riddle tells you that twisting means left and turning means right. So starting at the left of the safe's buttons: Right six, Left two, Right one, Left two. Ignore the last instruction as as the riddle says, it's too late. I made the mistake at first of resetting each time and going back to the end but no, you stay were you were. The simple version: numbering each button from 1-6 starting from the left press 6,4,5,3. Then open the handle to recieve the nurse's letter. After reading it you're instructed to the shower room. It's time to finally visit the basement, you find out Karen is locked in the door to the right but you can't open it so have no choice but to meet your fate behind the door on the left. ******************************************************************************* B - MOON ******************************************************************************* It appears that we're starting from the beginning with a character called Moon. Took me a while to realise this character is actually a woman. She wants a map, Ben had a map and the last place we saw him was the shower room in the basement. So let's head there! Once in the shower room, search Ben's bag for goodies including the map. The voice mentions a cabinet, it means the locked one in the dining room so we need to find a key. We need the bloody world so go stare at the portal in the bathroom and head for where the kitchen should be in the bloody world. From the bathroom this means going back till you get downstairs and then back again till you see one door on the right of the hallway. Before you enter it might be a good idea to save and/or use a first aid kit if you're on less than 5 bars. After the monster check out the left hand wall to get a key. (Remember to actually pick up the key from the head of the "girl shape" unlike me who just looked at it and had to come all the way back again.) Leave the room and head FORWARDS all the way to the bathroom again, view the portal and then BACK to the dining room in the normal world. I tell you, if this game had instant warps to each room it'd only be 5 minutes long. Once in the dining room, use the key with the cabinet to recieve a first aid kit and a pair of scissors. Leave the room, go FORWARDS to find the clock blocking the way again. This is the same puzzle as before but this time you lose health for getting it wrong AND for taking a long time so it's a good idea to save before trying. As I said before I'm not sure if it's random but for me this one was 5,2,6,12,9. Go FORWARD through the hole and keep following the hallway till you get upstairs, then go FORWARD, FORWARD, RIGHT, FORWARD, RIGHT. Enter the bedroom on the left. Use the scissors with the red shoes. Tying shoelaces together was apparently a prank they used to play when they were kids. The voice instructs you back to the bloody world so leave the room and go back once and enter the bathroom. Head for the same bedroom in the bloody world (for once it's not far to go). Use your lighter over the bottom left to find a key on the bed. This is for the classroom which we've not seen yet. Go back to the bathroom, to the normal world. Leave the bathroom and go RIGHT, FORWARD, then FORWARD into the bedroom at the end. Examine the bottom right bed to get a piece of homework. This is a good time to get bullets from the drawer as well. Then leave the room. Go RIGHT to the end of the hallway. Use the key with the door to enter the classroom. In the Classroom pick up the chalk that's infront of the blackboard to the right. Use the chalk with the blackboard, the writing is the homework you picked up and the missing word is "dedit". When this is complete you're instructed back to the bloody world so go do as you're told. Go to the classroom in this world, there's only one desk here that once had someone's hand nailed to it, which is nice. Pick up the note on the floor and read it, looks like a suicide note. Go back to the bathroom to finish Moon's chapter. ******************************************************************************* C - KAREN ******************************************************************************* Now you get to play as Karen, the woman that Ben speaks to during his chapter. This is quite cool as you can imagine Ben walking around doing his part of the game while you're stuck in this initial room. You start locked in a room, to the left and right some shelves, on the back wall a vent and a cupboard and on the floor some comfy sacks. If you like you can talk to the vent to repeat the earlier conversation with Ben. Examine the open part of the cupboard to find a screwdriver. Use the sacks to take a nap. After some voices, a noise wakes you up, all you can do is leave the room to find you were locked in the room in the basement opposite the shower room. Ben's corpse is still in the shower room but there's no need at all to go in there so go BACK up the stairs. Then FORWARD up to the 2nd floor and continue along to the bathroom. Enter the bloody world. It's even bloodier in here now. Moon's corpse isn't here but her bag is so search that. The left toilet block is open now so search the toilet for a crescent moon shaped stone tablet. This is for the funny door downstairs, we need another one as well before we can use it. So leave the bathroom and go BACK all the way till you get to the disgusting lobby downstairs. Prepare yourself before you go into the office as there's a monster in there. These monsters are meant to be deformed children actually. The other stone tablet you need is stuck in the wall of the office. Use the screwdriver to prise it out. Now head down the hallway again till you get to the door with the two holes in it. Use the stone tablets with the door and open it. I thought this tree thing was a monster at first but it's just a nice little decoration with kids heads growing from it. Pick up the drawing on the bench at the back. Leave the room, go FORWARDS, upstairs then FORWARDS all the way to the end of the hall. Try to open the door on the right to get the puzzle. The drawing is the clue for this lock, the people are the "sticks" and the sun and moon are the buttons. You have to match the colour of the buttons so the left is green and the right is red, to change them just press them. Then the people must be in height order and the right way up. The 4th stick is the smallest, then the 1st, then 2nd, the 3rd must be upside down. To change them you have to swap one with another. When you've got it right it'll tell you the door is open. Make sure you have bullets and health and go RIGHT into the door. There's one monster to kill, some conversations and... ...to be continued. ******************************************************************************* FINAL THOUGHTS ******************************************************************************* At first I thought the end was Eternal Darkness style trickery but nope, it seems that truely is the end for now. I don't mind them ending on a cliffhanger but give me a bit more to chew on, not just the same old enemy and then nothing. They didn't even make use of the doll that features so prominently on the title screen, I know it's sat there in the lobby but you don't need to interact with it in any way during the game. ******************************************************************************* 5 - ITEM LIST ******************************************************************************* MAP Back wall of lobby. COMPASS File cabinet in office. CANDLE In candlestick holder on dining room table. TONGS Left toilet in bathroom. BULLETS Drawers in bedrooms. FIRST AID KITS Drawers in bedrooms. LIGHTER 3rd drawer in 1st bedroom. TOILET CUBICLE KEY Hidden inside candle. Light the oven with the LIGHTER, and close the oven door, melt the candle in the pot. Use the TONGS to remove the key. CRANK 2nd bedroom in bloody world. NURSE'S LETTER Safe in office. Use the riddle on the bloody world's office wall to open. BEN'S STUFF Shower room. CABINET KEY "head" of contoured wall, dining room in bloody world. SCISSORS Dining room cabinet. CLASSROOM KEY 1st bedroom in bloody world. USE the scissors in the normal world to cut the laces of the red shoes. HOMEWORK 2nd bedroom in normal world, once playing as Moon. CHALK In front of blackboard in classroom. SCREWDRIVER Cupboard in storeroom, basement. CRESCENT MOON STONE TABLET Left Toilet in bathroom, once playing as Karen. SUN STONE TABLET Back wall of office. Use the SCREWDRIVER to prise it out. DRAWING Kitchen, bloody world.
******************************************************************************* CONTENTS ******************************************************************************* 1 - OBLIGATORY INTRO 2 - DOCUMENT INFO 3 - GAME 4 - WALKTHROUGH A - Ben B - Moon C - Karen 5 - ITEM LIST 6 - FAQ ******************************************************************************* 1 - OBLIGATORY INTRO ******************************************************************************* I've been reading walkthrus for years but never made a single one. When I got stuck on this game I saw there wasn't one already available so I've decided to have a bash myself. Had I written one of these 10 years ago it would have been full of amazing ASCII art. Since it's not 10 years ago and I don't have the patience for that kind of thing, it won't be. You might notice a change of style throughout this document, it's not cos I was writing it at different times but for some reason kept switching from jotting everything down like a robot to deciding to have a conversation with the reader. Apologies for that, I don't do a lot of writing these days. Host this anywhere you like as long as my name is still on it and you're not charging for it. ******************************************************************************* 2 - DOCUMENT INFO ******************************************************************************* # Version 0.5 Written 18th May, 2008. Never uploaded. # Version 1 Written 19th May, 2008. Uploaded 19th May, 2008. Added: FAQ section, reformatted to 79 lines, document info. ******************************************************************************* 3 - GAME ******************************************************************************* I don't play a lot of games on mobiles, I find the keys way too fiddly for any fast paced games and I don't even have big fingers. Since this was a point and click style and actually made for mobiles unlike the SCUMM games I put on my phone I thought I'd give it a shot. Some of the items you have to hilight were easy to miss but it didn't annoy me too much, I've had similar problems on a big monitor so you can't blame this game. My nokia 6120c is smaller than a lot of these phones as well so if you have an n95 or something it might be even less of a problem. ******************************************************************************* 4 - WALKTHROUGH A - BEN ******************************************************************************* You start at the lobby, there's an uncomfortable bench along the left wall, a sign with the orphanage motto above it. Straight ahead is a dead plant and a MAP on the wall. Along the right wall is a bookshelf. Exits are straight ahead and to the right. Pick up the map, you now have a map to the whole building. Go FORWARD. This is the office, there's a wardrobe to the left, desk ahead, a picture on the wall above and a file cabinet in the right corner. You can open the wardrobe but there's nothing inside that you need. Removing the picture from the wall reveals a safe but you can't open this yet. Open the file cabinet to get the compass. I never used the compass, prefering to treat each screen as left, right, forward and back. Go BACK out of the room, LEFT to a hallway, LEFT again to trigger a strange voice . There's a door to the right that leads to the kitchen. There's a cabinet to the left that's locked for now. On the table is a candlestick with a strange candle, pick up the candle. Make sure you hi-light the candle itself to pick it up, that can be a fiddly one on small screens. Leave the room. Go FORWARD down the hallway, you'll come to a grandfather clock and a door to the right that doesn't open. Look at the clock for a simple puzzle. You simply have to press five buttons on the face in the right order. I'm not sure if this is random but I did it 5,6,2,12,9. This triggers a little conversation and a hole in the wall. Go through, then LEFT, FORWARD (this door is stuck), LEFT (ignore these two doors for now), FORWARD. You're faced with a a doorway leading to the basement and one leading upstairs. Go upstairs then FORWARD, FORWARD, RIGHT, FORWARD. Enter the door. You'll get a little conversation with Karen and be left with a dingy bathroom. If you think this bathroom's bad wait till you see later on! There's some lovely teeth in the sink which serve no other purpose than to make you cringe. Open the left cubicle and fish around in the toilet for the tongs. Leave the bathroom. RIGHT, then enter the room on the left. This is your old bedroom. Search all three drawers at the back for bullets, first aid kits and a lighter. You can come back to the bedrooms during the game for more bullets and first aid kits. Leave the bedroom. Going further down the hallway leds to two more bedrooms and a locked door, none of which we need at the moment so lets go back to the kitchen. Go BACK 7 times or till you see the two doors on either side of the hall. Go LEFT, into the kitchen. After all that walking around here we can actually do something. Open the oven door and use the lighter inside. Use the candle with the pot. Close the oven door (this bit had me stumped for ages). This will have melted the candle revealing an item hidden inside. Use the tongs with the pot to recieve a small key. What might this key be for? That's right, time to trek back up to the bathroom, I'm sure you can find the way this time. It's on the top right corner of the 2nd floor map. Okay, back in the bathroom, use the key with the padlock and open the door. Not as bad as you thought, only a pattern drawn with blood. It's a portal and you need to examine - not touch - it to use it. You're now in a more sinister version the world that I'll now refer to as the bloody world. I told you this bathroom was worse. Nothing you can do in here for now so back out. Go RIGHT (ignore stuck door on left), FORWARD. There's nothing in the bedroom to your left so enter the one FORWARDS. You'll need to use your lighter to see and when you'll do you'll be faced with your first enemy. Equip your gun and make sure the cursor is red when you shoot. This monster is easy going and should only need 2 shots. Afterwards, pick up the crank on the floor. Leave the room. The layout of the building hasn't changed so back all the way up till you're downstairs. There's still no need for the basement, the doors are boarded up down there. Go BACK, there's a boarded up door on the right and an interesting door on the left with 2 holes in it. This must remain a mystery for a little longer so back we go again till we come across another monster. Remember you can die in this game so keep your health topped up and save sometimes. After the monster keep going back till you get to a really gross looking room. This is actually the lobby from the start. After you're done creeping yourself out use the crank in the hole in the wall and then turn it to open the office door. Go FORWARDS into the office, this is another nice little room to get creeped out in so make sure you read it all :) The important part is the riddle on the wall, Ben will automatically make a note of it which you can look at at any time so no need to write it down. Now it's time to trek all the way back to the bathroom again! Once there, examine the bloody portal to get to the normal world. And it's back downstairs to the office. The poem from the wall is actually instructions for opening the safe, this took me AGES to work out so when I did I thought it was pretty clever. If you're not interested in how it works then skip this paragraph and I'll tell you which buttons to press. Still here? Take a look at your notepad, the riddle tells you that twisting means left and turning means right. So starting at the left of the safe's buttons: Right six, Left two, Right one, Left two. Ignore the last instruction as as the riddle says, it's too late. I made the mistake at first of resetting each time and going back to the end but no, you stay were you were. The simple version: numbering each button from 1-6 starting from the left press 6,4,5,3. Then open the handle to recieve the nurse's letter. After reading it you're instructed to the shower room. It's time to finally visit the basement, you find out Karen is locked in the door to the right but you can't open it so have no choice but to meet your fate behind the door on the left. ******************************************************************************* B - MOON ******************************************************************************* It appears that we're starting from the beginning with a character called Moon. Took me a while to realise this character is actually a woman. She wants a map, Ben had a map and the last place we saw him was the shower room in the basement. So let's head there! Once in the shower room, search Ben's bag for goodies including the map. The voice mentions a cabinet, it means the locked one in the dining room so we need to find a key. We need the bloody world so go stare at the portal in the bathroom and head for where the kitchen should be in the bloody world. From the bathroom this means going back till you get downstairs and then back again till you see one door on the right of the hallway. Before you enter it might be a good idea to save and/or use a first aid kit if you're on less than 5 bars. After the monster check out the left hand wall to get a key. (Remember to actually pick up the key from the head of the "girl shape" unlike me who just looked at it and had to come all the way back again.) Leave the room and head FORWARDS all the way to the bathroom again, view the portal and then BACK to the dining room in the normal world. I tell you, if this game had instant warps to each room it'd only be 5 minutes long. Once in the dining room, use the key with the cabinet to recieve a first aid kit and a pair of scissors. Leave the room, go FORWARDS to find the clock blocking the way again. This is the same puzzle as before but this time you lose health for getting it wrong AND for taking a long time so it's a good idea to save before trying. As I said before I'm not sure if it's random but for me this one was 5,2,6,12,9. Go FORWARD through the hole and keep following the hallway till you get upstairs, then go FORWARD, FORWARD, RIGHT, FORWARD, RIGHT. Enter the bedroom on the left. Use the scissors with the red shoes. Tying shoelaces together was apparently a prank they used to play when they were kids. The voice instructs you back to the bloody world so leave the room and go back once and enter the bathroom. Head for the same bedroom in the bloody world (for once it's not far to go). Use your lighter over the bottom left to find a key on the bed. This is for the classroom which we've not seen yet. Go back to the bathroom, to the normal world. Leave the bathroom and go RIGHT, FORWARD, then FORWARD into the bedroom at the end. Examine the bottom right bed to get a piece of homework. This is a good time to get bullets from the drawer as well. Then leave the room. Go RIGHT to the end of the hallway. Use the key with the door to enter the classroom. In the Classroom pick up the chalk that's infront of the blackboard to the right. Use the chalk with the blackboard, the writing is the homework you picked up and the missing word is "dedit". When this is complete you're instructed back to the bloody world so go do as you're told. Go to the classroom in this world, there's only one desk here that once had someone's hand nailed to it, which is nice. Pick up the note on the floor and read it, looks like a suicide note. Go back to the bathroom to finish Moon's chapter. ******************************************************************************* C - KAREN ******************************************************************************* Now you get to play as Karen, the woman that Ben speaks to during his chapter. This is quite cool as you can imagine Ben walking around doing his part of the game while you're stuck in this initial room. You start locked in a room, to the left and right some shelves, on the back wall a vent and a cupboard and on the floor some comfy sacks. If you like you can talk to the vent to repeat the earlier conversation with Ben. Examine the open part of the cupboard to find a screwdriver. Use the sacks to take a nap. After some voices, a noise wakes you up, all you can do is leave the room to find you were locked in the room in the basement opposite the shower room. Ben's corpse is still in the shower room but there's no need at all to go in there so go BACK up the stairs. Then FORWARD up to the 2nd floor and continue along to the bathroom. Enter the bloody world. It's even bloodier in here now. Moon's corpse isn't here but her bag is so search that. The left toilet block is open now so search the toilet for a crescent moon shaped stone tablet. This is for the funny door downstairs, we need another one as well before we can use it. So leave the bathroom and go BACK all the way till you get to the disgusting lobby downstairs. Prepare yourself before you go into the office as there's a monster in there. These monsters are meant to be deformed children actually. The other stone tablet you need is stuck in the wall of the office. Use the screwdriver to prise it out. Now head down the hallway again till you get to the door with the two holes in it. Use the stone tablets with the door and open it. I thought this tree thing was a monster at first but it's just a nice little decoration with kids heads growing from it. Pick up the drawing on the bench at the back. Leave the room, go FORWARDS, upstairs then FORWARDS all the way to the end of the hall. Try to open the door on the right to get the puzzle. The drawing is the clue for this lock, the people are the "sticks" and the sun and moon are the buttons. You have to match the colour of the buttons so the left is green and the right is red, to change them just press them. Then the people must be in height order and the right way up. The 4th stick is the smallest, then the 1st, then 2nd, the 3rd must be upside down. To change them you have to swap one with another. When you've got it right it'll tell you the door is open. Make sure you have bullets and health and go RIGHT into the door. There's one monster to kill, some conversations and... ...to be continued. ******************************************************************************* FINAL THOUGHTS ******************************************************************************* At first I thought the end was Eternal Darkness style trickery but nope, it seems that truely is the end for now. I don't mind them ending on a cliffhanger but give me a bit more to chew on, not just the same old enemy and then nothing. They didn't even make use of the doll that features so prominently on the title screen, I know it's sat there in the lobby but you don't need to interact with it in any way during the game. ******************************************************************************* 5 - ITEM LIST ******************************************************************************* MAP Back wall of lobby. COMPASS File cabinet in office. CANDLE In candlestick holder on dining room table. TONGS Left toilet in bathroom. BULLETS Drawers in bedrooms. FIRST AID KITS Drawers in bedrooms. LIGHTER 3rd drawer in 1st bedroom. TOILET CUBICLE KEY Hidden inside candle. Light the oven with the LIGHTER, and close the oven door, melt the candle in the pot. Use the TONGS to remove the key. CRANK 2nd bedroom in bloody world. NURSE'S LETTER Safe in office. Use the riddle on the bloody world's office wall to open. BEN'S STUFF Shower room. CABINET KEY "head" of contoured wall, dining room in bloody world. SCISSORS Dining room cabinet. CLASSROOM KEY 1st bedroom in bloody world. USE the scissors in the normal world to cut the laces of the red shoes. HOMEWORK 2nd bedroom in normal world, once playing as Moon. CHALK In front of blackboard in classroom. SCREWDRIVER Cupboard in storeroom, basement. CRESCENT MOON STONE TABLET Left Toilet in bathroom, once playing as Karen. SUN STONE TABLET Back wall of office. Use the SCREWDRIVER to prise it out. DRAWING Kitchen, bloody world.
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